Acupuncture is a system of healing which has been practised with great effect for thousands of years. Our health is dependent on the smooth, uninterrupted flow of subtle energy that runs through inter-connecting channels in the body.
The flow of energy can be disturbed by stress, anxiety, poor nutrition, infections or trauma. Acupuncture addresses the symptoms as well as the underlying cause.
Acupuncture can treat a very broad range of conditions, from the physical to the mental-emotional.
One of the main benefits of treatment is that there is often more to be gained than just relief from a particular condition.
Many people find their energy levels increase and they feel more in tune with themselves.
Fine acupuncture needles are inserted in the ear. The ears represent a micro system of the whole body.
—Cupping is a therapy which uses glass cups to create suction on the skin to alleviate muscle tension, chronic pain and energy stagnation. The suction stimulates blood flow and eases pain due to stagnation. It is usually practised alongside acupuncture.
It can be helpful with low back pain, fibromyalgia, musculo-skeletal pain.
-Moxibustion is a traditional Chinese Therapy used in conjunction with acupuncture. The heat from moxa used on particular acupuncture points penetrates the energy channels or meridians in the body.
It is useful in cases were cold and stagnation are the cause of pain or discomfort. It is often used to ease back pain and abdominal pain from menstrual cramping or indigestion.
Our Therapists
Margré de Vries (Prajnadevi)
Shiatsu -
John Philbin
Andrew Burton
Reflexology -
Marcos Villiotti
Auricular Acupuncture