Rocio Cruces


Herbal Medicine

Rocio is a qualified herbalist and naturopath and the founder of Pachamama Botanicals. She is also a practising health visitor working for the NHS. 

Rocio is passionate about supporting people to thrive and achieve optimal health using herbal medicine and naturopathic practices. Rocio's mission is to share the powerful message of traditional herbal medicine and how plants can help us experience optimum health - physically, mentally and spiritually. 

Rocio has 9 years’ experience as a healthcare professional in the NHS. She is now combining her extensive experience as a nurse with herbalism. She carries out a thorough holistic assessment to find the underlying cause of the health complaint you may be experiencing. Once that is identified, Rocio chooses herbs suited for you, to help you restore health with a gentle approach, creating a personalised and realistic holistic care plan. 

Rocio focuses on the pillars of health such as sleep, diet, hydration, and mental health. 

Rocio has supported clients with digestive issues, stress and anxiety, energy complaints, vitality and general wellbeing and skin complaints among others. 

Rocio has started creating her own herbal tea blends and creams and this is an area of herbalism she is looking forward to exploring. 

In her free time, you can find Rocio up in the air doing aerial silks, singing, reading or out in nature. 

Initial consultation is 60 - 75 mins 

Price: £135

Follow ups: 30-40 mins 

Price: £70 

Reduced prices available on request * 


M 07578904038